Parish mission


March 17-19

How does God call us to live in our families, parish and community as disciples of Christ? When we live and share our faith with others, by word and action, we live more alive.

Chris Stewart and Tony Brandt of Casting Nets Ministries will speak the language of evangelization, how it affects our relationship with God and others, and how we can be open to giving and receiving in our lives.

Mission overview

Listen to our mission speakers each day.

Sunday, Mar.  17: The Challenge of Discipleship

As disciples we are called to go ALL IN! How will we respond to that call and go make disciples?

Dinner: 4:00-5:45pm (La Salette Hall)

Mass: 6:00pm

Mission: 7:30-9:00pm (Church)

Monday, Mar.  18: The Complete Gift of Self

Active stewardship is shown in the grateful response of offering all that we are back to the Lord and his church in a complete gift of self.

Dinner: 5:00-6:45pm (La Salette Hall)

Mission: 7:00-8:30pm (Church)

Tuesday, Mar.  19: The Seven Pillars of Effective Evangelization

These pillars are necessary for a solid foundation if we are to be effective in winning souls.

Dinner: 5:00-6:45pm (La Salette Hall)

Mission: 7:00-8:30pm (Church)

Daytime options

Offered for those who cannot attend the evening sessions (light breakfast and lunch provided)

Monday, Mar. 18

9:30am-1:00pm, Nolan Hall Teen Center

The Challenge of Discipleship and The Complete Gift of Self

Tuesday, Mar. 19

9:30-11:30am, Nolan Hall Teen Center

The Seven Pillars of Effective Evangelization

Babysitting provided for attendees! 

  • Both nurseries available for all day/evening sessions.
  • Families can RSVP to or x6029.
    RSVPs should include the name of parent, name(s) of child(ren), ages of children, contact number, and date/time of session attending. 
  • All ages accepted. 
  • Parents should include lunch for each child when attending daytime sessions. 

Hear the message of the mission from  dynamic speakers

We welcome two speakers from Casting Nets, a nationally recognized, non-profit organization of Catholic presenters who specialize in bringing a message of discipleship to parishes.

Presenters Tony Brandt and Chris Stewart have a combined 40 years of experience in ministry, formation and service. They bring a unique perspective and help us build a life around living in a mission mindset.


Be a part of the mission

Make the mission part of your Lenten journey. We need volunteers in several areas to assist in making this event a success!

The Mission needs many hands to help greet and seat everyone who comes to the Mass, Dinner and the Mission Talks all three days. Find out how you can be a part of the team by clicking the sign-up sheet below!

Be a part of the team

Mission prayer

Pray that our parish community receives the message of the mission into their hearts and lives.

Heavenly father, we thank you for the gift of our parish home and all who fill our church. We thank you for a community knit together by your love, mercy and grace. 


Lord, as we await our Lenten parish mission, we ask that you prepare our hearts, minds and bodies to go out and share the message of your redeeming love. As you taught the apostles “to go out and make disciples,” increase our zeal for you, unite our heart to yours, grow our desire to make your love known and keep us motivated to serve you with humility, gentleness and compassion. 


Draw us closer to you and to our neighbor. Help us to see that you have anointed each of us with an abundance of gifts to share your love and healing with all those we meet. Equip us to be bold in proclaiming who you are. Protect us from discouragement, disappointment and weariness. Strengthen us by the power of the Holy Spirit and may everyone we encounter experience the gift of your presence in us. Amen.

Mission Partners

You are a disciple.

At St. Ann, we invite you to live a life of discipleship.

Sign up for this parish mission to expand your faith, formation and fellowship.

Use the gifts and talents you already have to share the Good News of the Gospels and live as disciples on a mission.

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