Resources for Encounter Facilitators

God calls us to be part of a community, to work together as partners to bring about his reign on earth. To this end, your role as an Encounter facilitator is vital. You will enable your fellow parishioners to respond to God’s call to discipleship. 

Whether you are a seasoned Encounter facilitator or you are just beginning to consider how to share your gifts with the parish, you’ll find the resources you need here. Use this page to learn more about Encounter, meet other facilitators and pick up facilitation skills.  

--Stephanie Holden, Encounter director


What is a facilitator and what do they do? 

To facilitate means to “make easy” and guide a group in critical reflection. Facilitators are formed in faith and trained and/or mentored by staff to bring meaningful programs that help others grow in faith. In small group settings, we use the process of theological reflection, discussing life experiences within the context of scripture and Catholic tradition and what it means to our lives. 
Who teaches Encounter programs? 

As a La Salette parish, we believe the laity (you) are as important to passing along and sharing our faith as clergy. While priests and deacons teach some programs, the majority of our offerings are facilitated by parishioners or other laypeople. 


How much of a time commitment is it to be a facilitator?
We believe in a team approach, when possible. Let’s face it, life is easier and more fun when we share the work. Time commitments depend on the length of the program, how many people are on the team and whether you are being called to continue by the Holy Spirit. 


Is there training? 

Yes, we offer a series of video training that will help you learn Encounter’s approach, best practices in adult faith formation and principles of facilitation. Each video is followed by reflective questions. We will also offer in-person training to practice facilitation skills. 


We strongly encourage facilitators to grow in and learn about their faith by participating in classes, retreats, days of reflection, a strong prayer life and working toward catechist certification through the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The yearly Atlanta Catechist Conference in August and our summer courses are two ways to achieve certification. 


What does a typical Encounter program look like?
No two programs are the same but some are similar. For example, some Bible studies use a video and a book, while others just use a book. All Encounter programs make time for critical reflection and discussion. As a family of faith, we need to make time to discuss our experiences within the context of scripture and Catholic tradition.


Facilitators are encouraged to use many different types of learning in their programs to reach everyone and to make programs more interesting. You may attend a morning of reflection that starts with great food and time to get to know others, followed by a teaching, time for prayer, discussion, journaling and closes in praise and worship music. Interactive learning is highly recommended but no two programs are the same. The resources section has some facilitation styles to consider as you develop yours. 


What to do when you have a great idea for a new program? 

We welcome new ideas and hope you will share them with us! Our calendar is built in the spring for the year (July 1-June 30) and booked May 1. We welcome your input. Please contact Stephanie Holden (, to discuss. 


How do I plan for my event or class? Do I write my own content?
Some facilitators develop their own content working with the director of Encounter while others may use a study guide or other materials. Each program should be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit. The resources section has some things to keep in mind when creating your own content. 


How do I schedule a room? 

Contact Stephanie Holden (, who will schedule on the electronic calendar.   


How do I advertise my program? 

Stephanie Holden will help advise the best way and time to advertise per the Communication Department guidelines. Send information to share with the parish through the communications request form:


What if something comes up and I need help? 

We are here to support you. Please contact Stephanie Holden (, with any questions or help you need.   


Is there an evaluation?
At the end of each program or event we ask participants to fill out an anonymous survey for honest feedback that we share with facilitators so they can grow their skills. The Encounter director also encourages feedback to evaluate how to support you better. 


Documents/Resource links: 

Building trust in a group  

The art of asking questions for small group discussions 

Ice breaker questions 

Group rules & difficult situations   

Handling conflict 

Information to know when designing classes from scratch 

30 things to know about adult learning 

10 Guidelines of Adult Faith Formation 

Five steps to becoming an intentional disciple 

Stages of discipleship    


Don’t see what you need? Email Stephanie Holden,

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